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Alopecia androgenetica in post-menopausa

Sixty-three postmenopausa/ women, who had an excessive fall/ of hair as predominant symptom in this phase of their life, felt in our study. All patients have do­ne routine diagnostic test, hormonal dosage, and tri­chogram.
The patients have been randomized in three equa/ groups to which a different treatment had been admini­stered:
1st group: Ethynilestradiol 0.02 mgldie from the 1st to the 25 th day of each month. A daily dose of 10 mg medroxyprogesterone acetale (MPA) was added tor the fast 10 days of estrogen administration.
2nd group: Transdermal es/radio/ 0.05 mg associa­ted with medroxyprogesterone acetale (MPA) tor the fast 10 days of estrogen administration.
3rd group: Ethynilestradiol 0.02 mgldie from the 1st to the 25 th day of each month. A daily dose ot 12.5 mg cyproterone acetale was added far the tirsi 10 days of estrogen administration.
The hormonal assays and the trichogram were re­peated after one year of treatment. SHBG values in­crease singnificantly (p<0.001) in patients belonging to the first and to the third group. On the contrary these values did not change in a statistically significant way in patients belonging to the second group. The per cent modifications of the hair diagrams were also signifi­cant in patients belonging to the first and third group.
The results obtained from this study seem to sug­gest thai the ethynil/estradiol rather than the antiandro­gens was responsible of the benefical outcome in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia in postmenopausal women.

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