
Ovaio Policistico: un aiuto da fragole e arance

Settimanale 8 luglio 2016

Interessa il 5-10% delle donne in età riproduttiva e, spesso, rende di difficile avere un figlio. La sindrome dell’ovaio policistico infatti è uno dei motivi più frequenti dell’infertilità.

Al World pediatric and adolescent gynecology congress, il simposio scientifico da poco concluso a Firenze, è stata presentata una sostanza che sembra in …

Infertility / Myo-Inositol

Hereditay hemorragic teleangectasia and pregnancy

We report an uncommon case of a 38-years-old pregnant woman affected by HHT (Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia; OslerWeber-Rendu syndrome) who underwent to a caesarean section (CS) without any complication. The patient at 36th weeks+1 day pregnancy referred to the Emergency Obstetric Unit due to a intercostals pain on left side. On third day after …

Infertility / Myo-Inositol

Odontostomatological approach to pregnant patient

Pregnancy is a condition characterized by various physiological modifications (placentary and ovarian hormones release) that influence various organic districts, including the oral district. In this review were re-examined the rules about the execution of dental services with the relative indications and contraindications during the different phases of pregnancy, the use of the ionizing …
